So about two years and three weeks ago I was browsing the dogs on the OKC Animal shelter's website. I came across a picture and stopped. Sometimes you see something and it stops you dead in your tracks and that's what happened. I saw this scrawny little black lab in a cage with the saddest eyes. I decided her name was Tonks. I scrolled on.
I would check back every couple of days thinking that she'd been adopted because she was way too cute to be in there. There she was though. About three weeks after first saw the pictures I decided that I did not need to adopt a her, let alone any dog, let alone the sad looking one. Miss Michelle Metzger told me I should at least meet this dog I had looked at so much even if I wasn't going to adopt one. So I said okay and took a long lunch. She was in the 3rd row of cages and she was so quiet just wagging her tail. I took her into the visiting room that was devoid of anything but a single folding chair. I sat in it and petted her. She managed to climb on me and get her paws on my head so she could see over to wall and the decided my ears were not clean. petite items to wear for maid of the brides
"Hello Tonks", I told her quietly. "You're going to be family now."
She's now seen me through some of the toughest times of my life. Has made me laugh more than any human, and I couldn't imagine not having her around. Tonight she gets a fun dinner of human food and doggy ice cream. She's the best decision I ever made and I couldn't ask for a more perfect pup. Still crazy that's it only been two years, and yet crazy that it's already been two years.